Robert over at Backroad Blog directed me to this quiz:

What Gun Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
aww. . . gawrsh. . .who, me?
Say what you like, President Bush' surprise visit to Iraq was very cool.
With the president out of sight, L. Paul Bremer, the chief U.S. civilian administrator, told the soldiers it was time to read the president's Thanksgiving proclamation and that it was a task for the most senior official present.
"Is there anybody back there more senior than us?" he asked. That was the cue for Bush, who promptly stepped forward from behind a curtain, setting off pandemonium among the troops.
I thought my little revolver died and got rigormortis!! It froze - it wouldn't fire and the cylinder wouldn't open. But the gunsmith said, no, it wasn't dead, just mad at me for using cheap ammunition.
Apparently, just because you buy reloads in a box, this doesn't mean you're going to get a good reload. A problem with reloads may be inconsistent amounts of firepower - gads, I've forgotten the right terms already, was it powder or primer? Anyway, If the amount/proportions of ingredients aren't consistent, the different bullets out of the same box may have differing amounts of oomph. Apparently this will confuse your gun. I say confuse - he wouldn't allow the word 'stress.' So if you're going to buy reloads, buy good ones. I don't know how you can tell if a reloader is reputable or not.
Hollowpoints are good, because they tend to stop traveling when they hit a bad guy, unlike some bullets which, according to rumor*, will continue thru the bad guy and go on through the apartment wall to hit your neighbor's kid. But hollowpoints are also bad, because the lack of a cap tends to spew little bits of lead and saltpeter and brimstone or whatever is in bullets all over your gun and your hand, leading to lots of cleanup work. You'll have to clean your gun more often if you practice with hollowpoints. You'll have to clean MUCH more often if you practice with cheap hollowpoint reloads.
& your gun will hate you for it.
So the gunsmith recommended a particular type of round-nosed bullet, which he didn't have in stock.
Yo? Gun business people? Can we be a little bit more user-friendly, please?
Either my gun stinks, or my ammo stinks, or they both stink. I don't want to have to become Roy Rogers or Charleton Heston to figure it out. Please don't sell me crap just because you have a high profit margin on it. If I have to buy a new gun because you sold me bad ammo, I am hardly likely to buy a new gun from you.
*Per the gunsmith, this rumor is not true and you simply can't be piercing armor with a handgun, no matter what kind of bullet you put in it. I'm just repeating what I've heard, I don't know. Don't be daft and start experimenting, ya hear?
A paper that's as quick to criticize as the NYT might do well to tend to its own failings first. If they can't even handle one lousy building properly, where do they get off criticizing the management of an entire country?
"My family has a property in the green zone in down town Baghdad on Abi-Nuas street. The New York Times rents the adjacent property. For several weeks now my brother Ali Al Ali has been denied automobile access to our property by security guards. . . . these guards are not coalition personal but are instead the private security force employed by your news paper. "
I'll have to get the bartender to explain this to me, because I thought Budweiser was a pussy light beer. Actually, I prefer Glenfiddich, but on those rare occassions when I do drink beer I like the really, really, dark foamy foreign ales.
Update: errr . . Mom found her manicure set. {blush}. Good thing she hadn't filed the claim yet. Can't see any reason to apologize to federal employees, though.
updated for typos and to clarify para 7
Gun: Charco .38 special 5-shot, snubby
Person: 5'3", female, small-bosomed & yes it does matter if you're trying to conceal.
A poochie. Can't draw the gun, makes me look bulgy in areas where even the pudgiest woman should not bulge. Like a half man/ half woman from PT Barnum's.
Also a regular holster that attaches to the belt. Outside the jeans is no good unless I wear tunic & even then will print in the wind. Inside the belt on the side is like spending the day being poked by a broomstick. A woman's curve angles the gun right into the ribs. On the tummy is not too bad, as long I don't sit down. Inside the back is maybe just needs more practice?
I've been eyeing an S&W medium frame .357 but perhaps I need to take a harder, braver look at semis. I like the no-fuss no-muss of a revolver though. I DO NOT want to get some itty-bitty .22, tho it may be best-choice for ccw.
Update: more advice, this time from Reactuate. Interesting point about the khaki pants.
Update chuckle: Xiaodong left a comment at Pervasive Light with a very good point. "Has he voted Democrat all his life, as I suspect? If so, he deserves all he gets . . ." Xiao really is absolutely right, in that anyone who votes democrat is deserving of no assistance in a 2nd amendment violation matter. Ah well, I've already contributed my 2 cents worth, & in any case don't see any way to check such info.
Update: Dave posted a response to Xiaodong's comment. The cautionary tale seems to be not to judge too harshly or quickly, always good advice. Go to Pervasive Light and read it. I don't think NYC would be my cup of tea, not at all.
OT update is that I can't access my own comments from my home computer, although I can from my work computer. hmmmmmmm.
November 5, 1605
Remember, remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot.
We see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
& I do mean kid!. Or do I? Is it sincere, or is it satire?
I link, you decide.
Hat tip to Emperor Misha I.
"The girls came and started kicking him and punching him, so I wasn't going to stop them," neighbor Robert Lemons told The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Tee hee hee.
Hat Tip via Instapundit. Thanks, Glenn.
Amritas has a link to the Gender Genie!. I came up female. Whew!
If you read this post of mine about the Abode of Amritas, you'll recall I said ". . . even if I don't understand it."
Well, I was right. I didn't understand it. Post has been updated.