Saturday, November 29, 2003

I know I'm harping on the subject but gotdamm it!

Bush Asks Americans to Volunteer to Help Military Personnel and Their Families
11/29/03 3:06PM
By JENNIFER LOVEN, Associated Press Writer
120.6 KB, 28K Modem 2:25

President Bush, having surprised the nation with his Thanksgiving trip to Baghdad, asked Americans on Saturday to volunteer to help military personnel and their families.

Ignoring criticism at home and in Iraq, Bush said he felt privileged to have been able to offer the nation's gratitude in person to some of the soldiers deployed in Iraq when he appeared at a Thanksgiving dinner at Baghdad International Airport on Thursday.

"Ignoring criticism at home"? What is the reporter implying with this clause? That President Bush doesn't care about criticism? That he doesn't care about the troops or Iraqis? That anytime anybody says 'boo!' he should curl up under his desk and cry? WHAT is the purpose of this clause at this spot?

"I'm pleased to report back from the front lines that our troops are strong, morale is high and our military is confident we will prevail," the president said in his weekly radio address. Here, a good reporter would include times/stations etc. Remember the public's right to know?

Bush taped the address from his ranch near here, where he was spending the weekend resting from his nearly 36-hour secret journey before returning to Washington on Sunday.

The tranquility of his agenda on Friday - some fishing with dad, a little cedar-chopping and other chores around his 1,600-acre property after arriving home shortly before daybreak - couldn't have been more different from the day before. Then, employing cloak-and-dagger extraordinary or extreme or tight secrecy and security tactics, he jetted across the ocean and back to visit troops deployed in one of the world's most dangerous places.

Weasel Alert! 'one of the' . . but still less dangerous than Washington, DC.

Although the trip was over, the airwaves remained full of talk about the Baghdad visit.

Some carped loaded word. substitute 'said' or 'stated' that it appeared a political stunt meant to produce striking images and public sympathy for a president under fire about his Iraq policies.

Others said the very riskiness of the journey that required extraordinary security only underscored why Bush is under scrutiny for his Iraq strategy, which has failed to prevent a rising death roll to Americans serving there.

Weasel Alert! Review the two preceding paragraphs and note that this reporter would have you believe that nobody had anything good to say about it. Note also the lack of alternatives offered in paragraph two by any of the complainers, as well as lack of sources in both paragraphs. 'Some' and 'Others'? Public's right to know?

Meanwhile in Baghdad, some Iraqis complained Bush didn't take the opportunity to see firsthand how dire their situation is and were offended he would use their country as a stage for what some saw as an electoral gambit.

Meanwhile in Baghdad . . . care to step outside of Baathist territory and get an opposing viewpoint?

Weasel Alert! 'Some' Baghdad Iraqis complained etc . . by implication, some did not. How about including those opposing viewpoints - Public's right to know?

White House advisers denied any political motive for the trip. They signaled they were not worried that the public would buy criticism of a president who braved personal risk to himself to visit lonely U.S. troops.

Weasel Alert! signaled - very nice, it allows the reporter to imply whatever the hell she wants with impunity.

"Let the chips fall where they may," Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, told reporters. "But for the American people, I don't care what your party, they know that the president of the United States, as commander in chief, going to see these troops is an important step."

At a school where the White House press sets up shop when the president is in town, Rice also dodged questions about whether the Secret Service had lodged objections to the trip, saying only that agents were "prepared to go forward" and were "right in the middle" of the planning.

'dodged' = loaded word. It implies a sneaky, snarkiness on the part of Ms. Rice that is totally unjustified in this context. OF COURSE the Secret Service probably objected. The Secret Service objects to everything. My own bet is that the President told the Secret Service to pound sand, but even if I'm correct, the Bush Administration has too much class to come right out and say they squashed the Secret Service like a bug. Is the press really so stupid - or so classless - that they don't understand polite society?

"I'm not going to try to characterize what they thought, but they were involved in the planning from the very beginning," Rice said. "The president made clear that he wasn't going to take undue risk."

In his radio address, Bush paid respects to "such brave men and women who stand between us and the dangers of the world," acknowledging the difficulties of their families back home and the loss of families who will never again see loved ones lost in the war.

"The courage of our soldiers and their families show the spirit of this country in great adversity," Bush said. "And many citizens are showing their appreciation by helping military families here at home."

© 2002 AT&T and The Associated Press. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The information contained in the AP Online news report may not be republished or redistributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

Yeah, yeah. Actually, since it is part of a not-for-profit English lesson in the use of Weasel Words and Loaded Words, I believe it can. If AT&T and AP object, they should consider providing links. unless they don't want to be held to their words, of course.

Speaking of foul slime, AP will let you be some sort of member of their ethics group, for the low, low cost of $100 per year.

Friday, November 28, 2003

Dweebs and Beancounters

Gosh, but I hope the dems don't get elected in 2004. Hat tip to Kim Du Toit for this article on damning with faint praise.

"We want a plan! a plan!" We have a plan!! What the dems don't seem to understand is that, in order for 'the plan' - any plan - to be useful, someone, somewhere, is going to have to do some actual work. Actual work toward something worth accomplishing takes time and elbow grease and, in the case of war, danger and risk.

To listen to them, one would think that if only President Bush would present a nice Power Point, with color slides, and maybe some Visio thrown in, all the problems would be solved. It's an attitude I've seen too many times, an attitude prevalent in large, top-heavy corporations just prior to the point when the board of directors brings in some new leadership and serious layoffs begin. If the attitudes don't change quickly when the ax begins to swing, stock plummets, layoffs continue until the company is bought by another company with a serious work ethic and the balls to enforce it.

Just lemme get this off my chest:
Does anyone really think the rapid fall of Baghdad was due solely to US prowess? C'mon. Republican types seem to holler "We're #1!! We bad!." Dem types seem to weep like a 1920's silent screen star "Alas! The poor, weak, helpless and ignorant, downtrodden 'neath the villainous, cloked and booted, US of A! Save us, Dudley Do-Right!"

I don't buy either attitude. My own thoughts at the fall were more like "Man! Saddam must have been even worse than we thought."

Troops protecting their homeland do not fade away into the night. However, if they regard the incoming army as some sort of an ally against a worse, existing government, fading away may be the best available option for their own country.

That's all the US invasion of Iraq is and was - the best available option for the non-Baathist people of Iraq. For the Baathists, of course, it sucked.

Dems: you need to understand, this was the best available option for Iraq. It was the only available option for the USA. Diplomacy? tried. failed. Sanctions? Tried. Failed. Containment? Tried. Failed. UN? Tried. Failed. Tried. Failed. Tried. Failed.

No - I take it back. It wasn't the only US option. Another one would have been to nuke the entire mideast to kingdom come. It would have satisfied many of the dem complaints - quicker, less expensive, less US casualty. I'm not recommending, just sayin'.

Repubs: Please don't kid yourselves that US might can solve all the troubles of the world, or that the Iraqis will be our friends 5 or 10 years down the road. History is against you. Look at France and Germany today - that is Iraq and Afghanistan tomorrow. Sorry.

Don't think that Iraq would have been as relatively painless as it's been if such a thug as Saddam hadn't been in charge. You discredit the bravery and the sense of the Iraqi people.

"Breathes there a man will soul so dead
who never to himself hath said
this is my own, my native land"

Micheal Moore and the Dixie Chicks aside, of course.

Ahem. Anyway . .

Basically, pretty plans do not freedom make. Not for us, not for Iraq, not for nobody. We are in a foreign country, full of foreigners who are putting up with us but would, I am sure, just as soon we leave as soon as possible. For the most part, the US would just as soon leave as soon as possible too. Unfortunately for both peoples, we can't leave until the thugs are reduced to a managable size, and some sort of government is in place that doesn't froth at the mouth. That means that perhaps close to the entire former government infracture needs to be killed, imprisoned, or persuaded to adapt to the New Iraq. That means work. It means killing, and death, and aid, and building. All of these things are being done - by better people than the democratic party's emotional ornaments. So much in Iraq is NOT dependent on the USA, but on Iraq itself, that a pretty timeline made by an MBA with PowerPoint is meaningless. There are a lot of variables outside US control, and - I'm sorry - for the major dem spokespeople to be so unaware of this is frightening. Could some of you guys please grow up and get a real job? You need to start injecting a little reality into your vitriol.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Bush has Balls

Say what you like, President Bush' surprise visit to Iraq was very cool.

With the president out of sight, L. Paul Bremer, the chief U.S. civilian administrator, told the soldiers it was time to read the president's Thanksgiving proclamation and that it was a task for the most senior official present.

"Is there anybody back there more senior than us?" he asked. That was the cue for Bush, who promptly stepped forward from behind a curtain, setting off pandemonium among the troops.

. . .

First lady Laura Bush, preparing a Thanksgiving Day dinner, was not told until Tuesday or Wednesday. Bush's parents, former President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush, were invited to his ranch for the holiday but were not informed.

I'm impressed.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Old-fashioned Women

I have a book written in 1926, by one Polly Gallogly. It's a history of the Gallogly/West families of Ohio. Polly Gallogly's mother, Elizabeth West, born in 1823 and married in 1849, had this experience sometime after her marriage:

Mother walked at one time to spend the afternoon with a friend. On the way an ugly looking bull separated himself from the band and challenged her right to pass. Mother was carrying an umbrella. She opened it quickly and, putting it before her, charged the bull. With a bellow he turned and fled.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

People Don't Kill Guns; Ammunition Kills Guns

I thought my little revolver died and got rigormortis!! It froze - it wouldn't fire and the cylinder wouldn't open. But the gunsmith said, no, it wasn't dead, just mad at me for using cheap ammunition.

Apparently, just because you buy reloads in a box, this doesn't mean you're going to get a good reload. A problem with reloads may be inconsistent amounts of firepower - gads, I've forgotten the right terms already, was it powder or primer? Anyway, If the amount/proportions of ingredients aren't consistent, the different bullets out of the same box may have differing amounts of oomph. Apparently this will confuse your gun. I say confuse - he wouldn't allow the word 'stress.' So if you're going to buy reloads, buy good ones. I don't know how you can tell if a reloader is reputable or not.

Hollowpoints are good, because they tend to stop traveling when they hit a bad guy, unlike some bullets which, according to rumor*, will continue thru the bad guy and go on through the apartment wall to hit your neighbor's kid. But hollowpoints are also bad, because the lack of a cap tends to spew little bits of lead and saltpeter and brimstone or whatever is in bullets all over your gun and your hand, leading to lots of cleanup work. You'll have to clean your gun more often if you practice with hollowpoints. You'll have to clean MUCH more often if you practice with cheap hollowpoint reloads.

& your gun will hate you for it.

So the gunsmith recommended a particular type of round-nosed bullet, which he didn't have in stock.

Yo? Gun business people? Can we be a little bit more user-friendly, please?

Either my gun stinks, or my ammo stinks, or they both stink. I don't want to have to become Roy Rogers or Charleton Heston to figure it out. Please don't sell me crap just because you have a high profit margin on it. If I have to buy a new gun because you sold me bad ammo, I am hardly likely to buy a new gun from you.

*Per the gunsmith, this rumor is not true and you simply can't be piercing armor with a handgun, no matter what kind of bullet you put in it. I'm just repeating what I've heard, I don't know. Don't be daft and start experimenting, ya hear?

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

NYT - no moral grounds

A paper that's as quick to criticize as the NYT might do well to tend to its own failings first. If they can't even handle one lousy building properly, where do they get off criticizing the management of an entire country?

"My family has a property in the green zone in down town Baghdad on Abi-Nuas street. The New York Times rents the adjacent property. For several weeks now my brother Ali Al Ali has been denied automobile access to our property by security guards. . . . these guards are not coalition personal but are instead the private security force employed by your news paper. "

. . .

"I feel sure if learned the United States Army was responsible an incident such as this you would feel obligated to publish the story and condemn the act. "

. . .

"I hope this is a simple misunderstanding that you can correct quickly. My family hopes yet to have The New York Times as a good neighbor."

Go to Healing Iraq to read the entire letter to the New York Times.

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Please, if you are even remotely connected with the TV industry, go read Jeff's TV post at Alphecca.

"'. . . says veteran TV producer Barry Kemp (A Minute With Stan Hooper). "We want to push the envelope and be edgy, but we don't want to offend anybody.'

Here's a thought, Barry: You already are offensive."

Hear, hear!

Aunty Persnickety's Advice Column

Never get drunk and go shopping.

Just don't even ask, mmmkay?

The problem with being lazy is that you never get anything done!. Like I've been meaning to blogroll Serenity's Journal for eons now. The Journal is enjoyable and informative - Serenity has lots of spice and vinegar - but getting into the template of the galoot is simply dreary.

Serenity has a lot on her blog right now - everything from Christmas to the UN! If you haven't read her yet, grab a cup of coffee and go on over!

I blogrolled the Backroad Blog a while ago, but don't think I posted on it. Clean, crisp, concise writing, mainly on guns and politics. He has an article up on Saudi Arabia and Public Relations to make you say 'hmmmm."

Lots of smart people out there in the blogosphere!!

Friday, November 14, 2003

O No! Not another quiz!

Budweiser. King of Beers. You are as American as
they come my friend. Nothing against those
pussy light beers or worse yet, imports, but
you would rather have a diesel. Now get in your
pickup, drive down to the general store and get
yourself a rack.

Which Beer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'll have to get the bartender to explain this to me, because I thought Budweiser was a pussy light beer. Actually, I prefer Glenfiddich, but on those rare occassions when I do drink beer I like the really, really, dark foamy foreign ales.

The Friday Five

What the hey

1. Using one adjective, describe your current living space.

2. Using two adjectives, describe your current employer.
odd & inefficient

3. Using three adjectives, describe your favorite hobby/pasttime.
peaceful, invigorating, wet

4. Using four adjectives, describe your typical day.
quiet, isolated, furry, electronic

5. Using five adjectives, describe your ideal life.
placid, stimulating, challenging, expensive, warm

Thursday, November 13, 2003

John 'Big Ketchup' Kerry has apparently pulled back Swing Voter's access to Kerry's picture, according to Tim's post.

I stress 'apparently' because I haven't the foggiest idea how to capture a picture off someone else's site, or indeed, how to add one to my own site. Look, I'm on blogspot, right? What does that tell you?

But I do know people who have pictures on their website, that other websites link to, get irate about the bandwidth theft.

IF Tim is correct in his assumptions, then Big Ketchup Kerry is truly a bonehead. I can see cutting MY site, because I am a raving Libertarian whackjob, or cutting off the Rottweiler, who's a raving right-wing rascal in a cool kind of way, but the Swing Voter more and more strikes me as a regular, decent person - perhaps a tad naive in spots - trying to sort through the chaff.

Very stupid, very short-sighted, very distant from technology. Damn democrat . . .

It may be you, one day.

I could a tale unfold, whose lightest word
would harrrow up thy soul, freeze thy young blood,
Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres,
Thy knotted and combined locks to part,
and each particular hair to stand on end,
like quills upon the fretful porpentine.

Wm. Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act i, Sc 5

I've known a few immigrants with a tale to tell. Let me introduce you:

The Cuban Guy on the Train. In '84, I took the Amtrak from Chicago to Indianapolis. I was seated with 3 strangers for 4-5 hours.

When four strangers are together for that length time, they begin to chat. The gentleman on my right was about 28, soft-spoken with a slight spanish accent. He said he'd arrived in America with his family when he about eight. When he was in kindergarten in Cuba, his father was jailed for saying something Castro's men didn't like. Here is what he said about Cuban kindergarten:

His schoolroom had a large hole in the ceiling, like a trapdoor, which was opened on hot days to let the breeze in. One day, his teacher told the class to close their eyes, bow their heads, and pray to God for candy. So they did, and nothing happened. Then the teacher told the children to close their eyes, bow their heads, and pray to Castro for candy. So they did, and the trapdoors opened and candy rained down.

"All the other kids scrambled for the candy, but I couldn't. I just stood there, looking at it and thinking that Castro was the man who had taken my daddy away. I was afraid I'd get in trouble for just standing there, but I looked at the teacher and she looked at me and just gave a little smile. She knew, you see."

Tanya. Tanya's husband wanted to leave the USSR, although Tanya herself didn't. She didn't care about the politics/patriotism/nationalism one way or the other; she didn't want to leave her family, knowing the USSR government would never allow her to return and visit, and would probably even restrict letters and phone calls. Eventually, however, her husband wore her down, and they applied for permission to leave.

In less than two weeks, they both lost their jobs. They tried to, but could not, get new jobs. Eventually Tanya, though a professional, tried to get a menial job through a friend of hers. Her friend informed her that the business had been warned by the USSR government not to hire Tanya or her husband.

In the USSR at that time, it was illegal to be unemployed. Tanya's husband (though not Tanya herself) was thrown in jail. Luckily, about a year after they initially applied to leave, the USSR government relented and let them go. Tanya and her husband never found out why the USSR originally denied their application, nor why it had a change of heart.

These events took place in the late '70s/early '80s.

Dr. Kaufman. Dr. Kaufman came to the USA from China to study. The revolution occurred while she was in the States, working on her degree. The new Chinese government declared her 'contaminated' and would not allow her to return. She did not see her family again.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Mineta's in big trouble!

Mom flew down for a visit. Then she flew home. Somewhere between TIA and ORD, her manicure kit disappeared from her suitcase. Mom's mad.

So I scouted around on the Internet and found the TSA website, printed and faxed her Standard Form 95 (Rev. 7-85), along with Mr. Mineta's email, website, and snail mail address.

She already has her letter written; she will send it, and the form, in to TSA HQ and cc: Mr. Mineta and probably a few other choice government representatives. You will see - she will get her manicure kit back or be reimbursed for $12.95 (or whatever it cost her).

God bless her. If we all raised a stink on principle, we would have a much better government.


Update: errr . . Mom found her manicure set. {blush}. Good thing she hadn't filed the claim yet. Can't see any reason to apologize to federal employees, though.

Good, but Harumph

Pervasive Light is doing a great job following up on the Lester Campbell (self) Defense Fund. In his latest update, he includes a link to an ABC News follow-up story that mentions the fund, but doesn't give the website!

Why doesn't it give the website? Persons who disagree with Campell's charge are hardly going to be limited to the blogosphere. Plenty of people with web access have STILL not heard of blogs.

Seems like the URL should be included in ANY story that references a website.

But at least, the news story isn't slanted against an old man doing what he had to do.

Scientific Experiment

You've heard that guns cause crime, but where's the proof? Help monitor this gun and report any suspicious activity. Do it in the name of science!!

Smith & Wesson cam

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Do you wish that we were subject to the British crown, bowing, kneeling and scraping before Lords and Ladies?

Do you wish that we were speaking German, or Japanese?

Do you long for a for a government that jails the unemployed while at the same time controlling who gets a job and who doesn't?

Do you think it's a sin and a shame that American citizens can leave the U.S. without US government permission?

Are you shocked and appalled that you can drive from Indiana to Utah without being stopped and searched at each state border?

No?? Then thank a Veteran!

Monday, November 10, 2003

Small Towns, Big Guns

Alphecca has another fine post, this one on media gun bias among other things. One of the other things is the report on Geuda Springs, Kansas. This little town is in the process of enacting a law to ensure that each homeowner in town is armed.

Other fine towns include:
Keenesaw, Georgia
Virgin, Utah
Bowerbank, Maine

I'd love to watch the crime rate in Geuda Springs, but it's so small they probably don't have much of a rate to watch. I LOVE to see this!!

Sunday, November 09, 2003


Another fine article by James Rummel at Carnival of the Shooters. Where has this website been all my life?

A few weeks ago I was at an outdoor arts festival when someone asked me what the logo on my shirt meant. I explained that I was a firearms instructor, and that the logo stood for "Rummel's Gun Group". Before I was done I could see The Fear start.

Yes. I stopped at the grocery store/deli last night. Picked up 2 Logic Puzzle magazines, American Handgunner, and a Philly Cheese sandwich. So I'm flipping thru American Handgunner while they make my sandwich, the lady behind the Deli sees the magazine and gives a little gasp. Her smile when I walked up was open and welcoming; her smile when she gave me my sandwich was a little timid & probably due solely to Customer-Service Rules. When I checked out, the cashier scanned American Handgunner, sighed, and shook her head.

People, really, it's okay. I'm not going to shoot you over a sandwich & a puzzle book; really, I promise. Not even if you forget the mayo.

When I run into such people, I try to put extra warmth into my smile, extra gentleness into my manner, and extra innocence, sweetness and light on my face. I'm thinking maybe I should dress up professionally when I buy gun magazines etc in places like grocery stores. Just a hope that I can plant a seed into these minds, that says "well, that lady I served today, she's interested in guns but she didn't behave like a raving lunatic." Gun owners have a special obligation to behave like gentlemen and gentlewomen.

On reasons why people go to the range:

Finally there's the grim ones, the serious ones. They're friendly enough if you talk to them, but developing and maintaining their skill is a responsibility. They get in some range time because they think they have to, a burden that they shoulder because they think that they should.

That's me. If you have a gun, it's best to know how to use it. My level of sophistication is not high, and probably never will be, but I can, I think, do what I must with the gun(s) that I own. Pray God I am never put to the test.

I joined the NRA around '96. I bought my 1st gun in '97, when there were talks of a Gore/Reno ticket. Both actions were purely political - a way to vote my belief in the Bill of Rights with my dollars, if you will. Then, of course, once one has a gun it's best to have some vague idea of how to use it, so off to classes and the range I went. I don't expect I'll ever be a gun enthusiast. I don't really care if a round (or is it a bullet?) leaves the chamber (or is it the bore?) at 1156 fps or 1550 fps or whatever. I just want the bullet (round?) to leave the gun when I pull the trigger, go where I want it to go, and seriously destroy whatever it hits.

& maybe just a quick question for people who say "the odds of your needing a gun are so low, you shouldn't even have one."

Do you have fire insurance on your house? Do you have a spare tire in your car?

Saturday, November 08, 2003


Found this over at Armed Females of America:

If you are the type who would enslave an entire population just to save yourself some effort in keeping your home and your family safe, don’t kid yourself. You are not “moderate” and you are not doing it “for the children.” You are a fascist slug who favors government control over personal responsibility, and we all know it.
- Nicki Fellenzer -

Men in Kilts


o ye gads. (warning, lots of porno pop-ups come with this link).

Sometimes I wonder if I should quit picking on democrats.

Naaahh . . .

Fancy That

Aaron the Liberal Slayer has an interesting little post..

There's some sort of group that studied per-capita income versus per-capita charitable donations on a state by state basis, to come up with a 'Generosity Index.' Aaron had the bright idea of comparing the states' Generosity indexes (indices??) against the year 2000 electoral votes.

Man!! Those democrats are stingy!

Friday, November 07, 2003

Thigh Holsters

Just a little Internet searching, inspired by Freddy BoomBoom.

Tactical Options makes a CQB Solutions Apex tactical thigh holster, suitable for Colt 1911, M9, Block 17/22 type guns. This holster would work only with a square dance skirt or similar hoopskirt petticoat.

R & S Tactical sells several, which can be seen here. The SAS brand appears to have the most potential for under-skirt concealment. As a caution, the pictures show only the side, not the front view, and these holsters aren't actually made for concealed carry. The holsters ride up where the pelvis bone meets the leg bone, but the leg straps appear to be adjustable. Still, some potential here I think. They're geared towards pistols, not specifically toward revolvers. I'm not experienced enough to know how badly that matters.

The Kydex at Desantis is worn just above the knee. This seems a better placement for underskirt wear.

WHOO-HOO!! Paydirt!. Kemmer makes a fur-lined ankle holster and a thigh holster for women. See here. I don't think the thigh holster is fur-lined, tho. Too bad.

awwwwwwwww . . BAD WORDS!! GM Kemmer Tech is located in South Africa. Fat lot of good that does me!

This is not a thigh holster, but females with a 1911 may be interested in the Lo' Boy drop.

Hey! Here's another article on concealed carry. Among other things, it says:

"Seldom do women carry firearms in holsters attached to their waistbands. In fact, the very shape of the female makes this an unpleasant task, because it causes the gun to point inward, toward the torso, making rapid weapon acquisition and presentation nearly impossible. Instead, the ladies carry their guns in other ways, the most common of which is the purse (surprised, guys?). Here, however, there's a very real need to insure that the purse is either intended by design to carry a firearm or, if not, at least exhibits a compartment within which it can be carried.

Moreover, having seen what the interior of most purses looks like (!), it should at this point be added with alacrity that, whichever is chosen, the compartment should be kept free of any items not directly related to the weapon itself. Scarves, car keys, compacts and other female paraphernalia absolutely must be kept in some other part of the purse to avoid interference with the weapon should it be needed!"

& that seems to pretty well dispose of the 'ladies thigh holster' search for this evening.

fur-lined holsters . . mmmmmm.

Kim Du Toit's Manhood

Kim has an essay on manhood entitled The Pacification of the Western Male" that has much of the blogosphere deep in fascinating comments and discussions. If you haven't read it, you must do so now, and then you must immediately forward the link and/or essay to everyone you know. Little Billy Smetlock of Lubbock, Maryland did NOT forward the link and that very night, he was eaten by mutant starfish!! Coincidence? I think not.

It is really a very good essay.. IMnot-so-HO, we need to pay some attention very soon, or we may not be able to recover. At the same time, a lot of it gave me with the creeping heebie-jeebies.

Major point: Aggressive instincts are hard-wired into the male brain. Old-fashioned Western culture effectively channeled male aggression into useful channels; modern Western culture does not. The result is too many men who either harmfully misdirect their natural instincts (Bad Guys), or else have stifled them so completely that they can offer no defense against or deterrent to Bad Guys (Pussies).

BAM. Kim hits the bullseye, hands down, no contest. This society has so thoroughly ripped to shreds the male protective instinct that I (honestly) didn't realize it existed until I hit about 35. Honestly.

So what's my problem? Partly due to some of the things he wrote, partly due to some of the things he didn't, partly due to some of the woman I am and always will be. Here we go:

Things He Wrote
* "Pussification." Och, I can see you cringing right thru your computer. "What's next, Persnickety? Are you going to complain that your kid got a D in penpersonship? Insist that people address you as Manuscript Persnickety instead of Miss or Missus?" Well, phooey on you. I would prefer to see Pacification throughout, for reasons I'll delve into later. For now, just take it as read that I don't care for the way Kim has equated the stifling of the male with transmogrifying into the female.

* "Now, men are taught that violence is bad . . " Only they're not. Not quite. I mean, if they rape or kill somebody, the sentences are often quite low and easily reduced. This is less of a problem now than a few years back, but still worrisome. The social stigma against violence no longer exists -witness not only the unmolested existence, but the actual financial success and attractive hangers-on of Eminem, P Diddy etc. The general message seems to be more like "it's understandable when others commit violent, unprovoked acts, but you personally must not use violence even to stop others' violence." This is something of a nit in a criticism of another's essay, I know, but (a) it's still a valid and worrisome point, even it did take someone else's work for me to think of it and (b) I am Persnickety, doncha know.

* "women are hard-wired to treasure security more than uncertainty and danger. It was therefore inevitable that their feminine influence on politics was going to emphasize (lowercase "s") social security." Eh, kinda maybe sorta. Women may well be hard-wired as Kim says. Seems to be so, anyway. But the "inevitable" chaps my hide. I will say that women as a group may need to be better educated on the risks of individual liberty versus the guarantee of socialist oppression. Still, since schools are co-ed education shouldn't be an issue in - oooo, now we're on public education, which actually is another point of Kim's, so maybe females are simply getting more thoroughly indoctrinated under the public school system which was actually one of Kim's or perhaps a commenter's point so on second thought - the prosecution concedes on this point and respectfully requests that Mr. Du Toit run for school board.

Just for the fun of digressing, here's one reason why women sometimes prefer Bad Guys over nice guys. Because life is boring, and dating a thug is one way to experience danger and excitement. It's not a GOOD reason, but it's a real one.

* "Men are slobs, and that only changes when women try to civilize them by marriage. That's the natural order of things." plus "we're sick of women treating us like children." Make up your mind. Are you a civilized adult to be treated accordingly, or do you require the supervision of a female? Grrrrrrr.

Things He Didn't Write

*"Pacification" BECAUSE it ain't just males. Because females are also losing their protective and defensive instincts. Because femininity does not and should not mean "useless but pretty." Because the pacification of American citizens, male, female or other, is f***ing dangerous. Kim's essay may be nasty, but it's not nearly nasty enough.

*"Separation of the Sexes" darn, this post is getting long. I think men need a place where they can fart, scratch, and belch in peace. Women need a place where they can be free of farting, scratching belchers. Likewise, men need to refrain from certain behaviors in the presence of women. Doubly likewise (you do the math; my head hurts), women need badly to refrain from certain behavior & language in the presence of children. & we all need to be more civilized in general, including without limitation this very blog. & don't even get me started on television.

The woman I am
*"I don't see why I should put up with this bullshit any longer -- hell, I don't see why any man should put up with this bullshit any longer." So stop. HAH HAH HAH! Yeah, we wish it was that easy. By the same token, men wouldn't be such beasts if women didn't let them get away with it. Sometimes life is just annoying. (not a criticism just a comment, hopefully obviously but one never knows)

*"Men are slobs, and that only changes when women try to civilize them by marriage. That's the natural order of things." plus "we're sick of women treating us like children." It's in here again because this is a highly irritating combination. Grow up or don't - your choice - but don't come whining to me about a decision you've made about your own damn behavior. & ya know what? Despite this essay, I bet Kim would really hate my reaction to the proverbial slobby male behavior, because I won' nag, I won't civilize, I won't instruct or discipline. I will, however, out-slob any man on this planet if need be, and cheerfully let him wallow in his dirty socks until kingdom come. I can even burp at will, to the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" & of course I can always find my way to the door. So whaddya want, there, Kim-boy? Would you like to (a) voluntarily refrain from farting contests in church, (b) get nagged continuously, or (c) be burped at in a fine restaurant over the champaign (in a refined and ladylike way, of course)?

Huh. Maybe there's a reason why I'm single.

Naaaah . . .

* Because it got me thinking about my version of a "real man." That would be a cultured, Christian gentleman. Then I realized that, in the event I ever meet a cultured Christian gentleman, he'd turn tail and run away screaming. It's kind of depressing.

*"Donald Rumsfeld, if he wanted to, could f*** 90% of all women over 50 if he wanted to, and a goodly portion of younger ones too." I hate seeing my innermost desires exposed on the Internet like this.

*Because that essay could & should spawn about 15 more essays, & I'm too lazy to actually write them - which means someone else may, and one of them could be an essay on "Real Womanhood," & I don't want to read it, or hear it, yet would be drawn to it like dust up a dirt devil. I have a sinking feeling that, whatever a "real woman"; is, I ain't it, don't wanna be it, ain't gonna be it. I've read some weird posts by women, that other women seem to relate to quite well but that left me saying "huh?" Like some chick that likes to be spanked. Sorry, buddy, you spank me & I punch you right in the snoot. (Speaking of being treated like a child . . .).

Now come on. What is weirder? Getting spanked or burping out "Mary Had a Little Lamb"?


updated for typos and to clarify para 7

Gorey Detail on Concealed Carry

Gun: Charco .38 special 5-shot, snubby
Person: 5'3", female, small-bosomed & yes it does matter if you're trying to conceal.


A poochie. Can't draw the gun, makes me look bulgy in areas where even the pudgiest woman should not bulge. Like a half man/ half woman from PT Barnum's.

Also a regular holster that attaches to the belt. Outside the jeans is no good unless I wear tunic & even then will print in the wind. Inside the belt on the side is like spending the day being poked by a broomstick. A woman's curve angles the gun right into the ribs. On the tummy is not too bad, as long I don't sit down. Inside the back is maybe just needs more practice?

I've been eyeing an S&W medium frame .357 but perhaps I need to take a harder, braver look at semis. I like the no-fuss no-muss of a revolver though. I DO NOT want to get some itty-bitty .22, tho it may be best-choice for ccw.

Update: more advice, this time from Reactuate. Interesting point about the khaki pants.

Spewing Comments

I keep leaving comments on other blogs, then forgetting where I put them. So this post is a reminder to go back and see if some of my questions have addressed etc:

Hell in a Handbasket has a great post on concealed carry. As I've already posted, I need HEEEEELLLLLLPPPP on this matter.

Left a comment at Pervasive Light.

Left a comment at Serenity's Journal, I think, somewhere on something.

I need to leave a lot of comments somewhere on Kim Du Toit's article on real manhood, because a lot of it gave me the heebie-jeebies, but it will require work and thought and stuff to address it properly.

Worthy Cause

From Pervasive Light's Blog to your ears and, hopefully, wallet.

80-yr old man gets attacked twice. 1st by a mugger, then by the awsome majesty of {spit} NYC law.

Hat tip to Alphecca.

Update chuckle: Xiaodong left a comment at Pervasive Light with a very good point. "Has he voted Democrat all his life, as I suspect? If so, he deserves all he gets . . ." Xiao really is absolutely right, in that anyone who votes democrat is deserving of no assistance in a 2nd amendment violation matter. Ah well, I've already contributed my 2 cents worth, & in any case don't see any way to check such info.

Update: Dave posted a response to Xiaodong's comment. The cautionary tale seems to be not to judge too harshly or quickly, always good advice. Go to Pervasive Light and read it. I don't think NYC would be my cup of tea, not at all.

OT update is that I can't access my own comments from my home computer, although I can from my work computer. hmmmmmmm.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Bury them in pigskins . . to deter . . future attacks

Nice to see that somebody has the right idea. Wish it was my own government.

What's more important? Person A's life or Person B's feeeeeeeeelings?

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Condi Rice

According to Andrew Sullivan, "The Beltway scuttlebutt is that Rice is being groomed to be secretary of state in a second term."

We would be in much better shape in Iraq right now if she'd been secretary of state in the first term! But better late than never, I guess. Sullivan would like to see her as vice president. That would be okay, I guess, but we desparately someone with some balls and some brains as secretary of state, too.

I mean NO offence to Ms. Rice by my vulgar vernacular . . I guess I should say 'guts,' but I like alliteration.


I don't know why the US state dept. insisted on Chalabi for a power position in Iraq. I do know that the few Iraqi bloggers out in the blogosphere are not happy with the man. There is a concern that they'll get Same Old S--- from Chalabi.

I hope not, or perhaps they'll be able to vote him out soon?? Iraqis have been through enough.

Happy Guy Fawkes Day

November 5, 1605

Remember, remember the fifth of November,
Gunpowder treason and plot.
We see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!


This is truly disgusting. I will not vote for a democratic candidate again, ever.

" . . . we simply launch an independent investigation based on principled but vague notions regarding the use of intelligence."

hat tip to Instapundit or the Emperor or both. I'm so sickened by this, I can't remember.

Saturday, November 01, 2003


Drugs are bad for you. They say a human can live, see, think for up to 10 seconds after decapitation.

WARNING! - Gruesome link

New Kid on the Blog

& I do mean kid!. Or do I? Is it sincere, or is it satire?

I link, you decide.

Hat tip to Emperor Misha I.

You Go, Girls!!

"The girls came and started kicking him and punching him, so I wasn't going to stop them," neighbor Robert Lemons told The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Tee hee hee.

Hat Tip via Instapundit. Thanks, Glenn.